Hey, I’m Oriana, and I love Brooklyn. I love the creativity, the drive, the bizarre and beautiful ideas, the thrilling unique energy of the people who live here.
This project tracks Brooklyn space by space, in the words of the people who make it all happen. I’ve been writing profiles since 2010; in 2015, I compiled 50 (mostly new ones) into a book!
If you know of a space I should cover, have a correction for anything I’ve written, or just want to talk about amazing Brooklyn, email me at brooklynspacesproject@gmail.com. And please find Brooklyn Spaces on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Plus I keep a kick-ass events calendar, filled with quirky, fabulous, and fascinating things to do in Bk.
All the writing on this site is my own; as for the rest, I’ve had some amazing helpers.

Here’s most of the Brooklyn Spaces photo team: Shannon Carroll, Kit Crenshaw, Ventiko, Julia Roberts, Michael Blase, Maximus Comissar, Walter Wlodarczyk, and Alix Piorun
Other photographers who have shared their incredible talents for this project include: Erica Camille, Michael Connor, Simon Courchel, Maya Edelman, Jon Handel, Remi Pann, Patricia Malfitano, and Tod Seelie.
I’ve also had incredibly generous tech and site design help from Caitlin Cook, Spike Grobstein, Shawn Hazen, Peter Monica, and Joe Ruvel.